Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reflections from this Past Week, February 14th


So many things happening, it's hard to keep them all straight!
American Heart Health Month
February is American Heart Health month.  Please be sure to tune in to Paula Sands Live tomorrow (KWQC) where I will explore how Power Foods are good for your health and your wasitline.

Trigger Foods
Do you have trigger foods in your house?  Where are they?  Within plain sight or hidden?  Do you keep those "save me!" foods and snacks handy.....just in case?  Please remember how important it is to monitor your environment.  Keep healthful foods (YES!  Power Foods!) on hand for those times when you are so hungry you could eat anything and everything in sight. 

Eliminate those trigger foods - better yet, leave them at the store and don't bring them home at all.  Sometimes this may be a bit challenging, especially when your other family members enjoy those same foods.
It all comes down to YOU.  Take care of yourself.  Be kind to yourself.  It is worth it, every single minute.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Reflections from this Past Week, February 7

Will it ever quite snowing?!  I miss my members when they can't get to their meetings.  I worry about them, too - that they are safe, warm and content.  With the blizzard happenings last week, I'm certain it kept some away from the meeting room - and for good reason!  Here's to seeing everyone this week!!

Last week we talked about how to stay on track - how to motivate yourself to continue making wise choices when it comes to your eating habits.  If you stumble, no big deal.  Learn from your experiences and make a better choice next time!

As a side note, I was to be on "Paula Sands Live" last Tuesday.  With the snow, blizzard warnings, and driving conditions I had to cancel at the last minute.  However, I still would like to share the recipes - they are FABULOUS and EASY!!                             ENJOY!!!

  • Creamy Mexican Dip


  • Spicy Beef Tacos


  • Chipotle Bean Nachos
