Sunday, January 23, 2011

Reflections from this Past Week, January 23rd

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"  The weather certainly didn't cooperate much this last week. Monday found me snow bound at home.  Luckily, one of my peers was able to jump in and lead my Monday evening meeting.  A huge THANK YOU to A!!  I was happy to see those who made it out and about Tuesday with the remnants of the snow from Monday.

"Treat Yourself" was the topic this past week.  I encourage my members to dip in to those additional Weekly PointsPlus Allowance Points you are given each week.  Research has shown that members who achieve their goal weight and Lifetime status and MAINTAIN their goal weight regularly dip in the WPPA.  Why are they successful?  Because the WPPA allows them to utilize 'flexible restraint'.  Flexible restraint is key to maintaining one's weight loss.  Here's the reason behind the success:

If a member highly restricts their food choices, it most likely will backfire.  The result may be binging on the food(s) they have been craving.  Members need to find the happy medium where they can enjoy the foods they crave (in modest proportions) versus total deprivation.  The middle ground is flexible restraint.

There were many, many celebrations in the meeting rooms - again!  5 pound, 10 pound, 15 pound....55 pound celebrations!  5%, 10%......and they just keep coming!  Keep up the great efforts.  The baby steps are adding up!!

Have a great week.  See you in the meeting room!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Reflections from this Past Week, January 16th

WOW!  What a week!  I have never seen weight loss numbers like I saw in the meetings last week!  We were able to celebrate many reaching 5 pound milestones, 5% celebrations, GOAL celebrations and LIFETIME celebrations!  I have amazing members who are focused and determined.  They are such an inspiration to everyone.  And I can't forget to mention all the Lifetime members who come each week and help provide insight and support to those who are working toward their goals.  The wisdom the Lifetimers share is priceless and so very much appreciated.

This past week we talked about Power Foods and how they can enhance our daily living. Power Foods
  •  keep you satisfied
  •  are the healthier foods
  •  give you more bang for your buck (i.e., lower in PointsPlus values)

I urge my members to utilize the Power Foods each day.  Personally, I find myself reaching for more Power Foods than before and notice a distinct difference in my energy levels - and I just feel better!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!!

First, a big THANK YOU for being so patient about my absence these past weeks.  Between the launch of the new PointsPlus Program, Christmas and now the New Year......well, I'm sure you can relate to the craziness of the season.  OK, enough excuses.  Onward!

At any rate, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  To those of you who are new to my blog, welcome.  My intent is to update it once a week with some insights and ideas, reflections on the past week, topics in the meeting room, etc.  I thoroughly welcome comments and would really REALLY like to hear from you about topics you would like me to blog about.  This blog is for YOU - my members.  I truly care for all of you and want you all to be successful in your weight loss journey.  Feedback is essential and always welcomed.

Last week the meeting rooms were packed.  It was great seeing members I am acquainted with from weeks past; it was great seeing so many new faces.  As those seasoned members can attest "If you work the plan, the plan will work for you."

To kick off the new year, I challenge each and every one of you to TRACK everything you eat (even if no one sees you eat it;)).  Tracking will not only help you LEARN the program, but I think you will be surprised at what you consume.  As I've told my members, research has shown people tend to consume up to 50% MORE FOOD than they think they do unless you write it down.  If the thought of tracking for an entire week is a bit much, try tracking for three days in a row.  Then add another day....and another.  Soon you will know the PointsPlus values of your foods and, in turn, get comfortable with the new program.

Let me know how your tracking adventure goes.  I'm interested in your thoughts, your struggles, your successes! 

Here's to a New Year......and a New YOU!!